Friends of NCBVI, striding ahead for 20 years


In Support of the
Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Welcome to the home page of the Friends of the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (Friends). Our organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.  We have been in existence since 2005.  Our mission is to supplement and complement the efforts of the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NCBVI) in carrying out its mission of empowering blind individuals, promoting opportunities and building belief in the blind. Our funding efforts are intended to cover a financial need when it is found that federal and/or state funding either falls short, or legally cannot be used by NCBVI to carry out specified services, programs and/or unique consumer needs which, if not covered, may have a serious negative impact on the Commission’s efforts to assist their clients from reaching a successful vocational outcome.

Meet Us

Visit our Board of Directors page to find a list and short bio for each of our board members.

About Us

To learn more about what we do and have done, visit our About Us page, then the Our Projects page.

Funding Us

For a quick, easy and safe donation, use the below PayPal donation button! Or visit our Funding Us page where you will find several easy-to-follow options making it convenient and secure to send us either your tax deductible donation or grant award. And, while you’re there, read a listing of grants that we have received!

Contacting the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Lastly, to learn more about the Commission of whom we exist to support, follow the below link and be taken to the official website for the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
NCBVI Main Office
4600 Valley Road, Suite 101
Lincoln, NE 68510-4844
Phone: (402) 471-2891

For some blind students, braille is the better skill/method for achieving literacy. The use of a refreshable braille display to both read and control a computer can be the best choice.

A stay-at-home father using specialized screen enlargement software, to perform his part to keep the family functioning.